Thematic areas and activities

Discover the thematic areas : Tertiary sector, Biomass boilers, Indoor air quality.

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New for 2024: Tertiary Solutions Area

Regulatory changes are one of the major challenges facing the tertiary sector in the coming years : reinforced monitoring of indoor air quality, reduction of energy consumption, funding of construction work...

There are many objectives to achieve over the next few years ! 

The aim ? To bring together all the major actors of the tertiary sector in one place (3 500 m²), to simplify the visitor's experience and highlight the dedicated solutions.


Zone Solutions Tertiaires

A village of industrial specialists to discover the latest

innovations and solutions for achieving your goals.

A forum with experts on topics related to

related to the new challenges facing the service sector.


Discover efficient boilers that are more environmentally friendly, more air-friendly and reduce greenhouse gases. This space supported by the SFCB (Syndicat Français des Chaudiéristes Biomasse) aims to develop and make known renewable energies in France through a diversified offer of boilers.


 The Indoor Air Quality space offers an opportunity to explore the latest developments and best practices in ventilation and indoor air quality. Deepen your understanding of emerging technologies, evolving regulatory standards and innovative solutions to improve indoor air quality.

Interclima Job Connect

Promoted by the Association des Ingénieurs en Climatique, Ventilation et Froid (AICVF), the Interclima Job Connect space highlights jobs, training and recruitment needs in the climate engineering sector.

The space also hosts La Solive, a school specialized in reconversion that offers certified courses to the trades of climate engineering.

On the agenda :

Job-dating sessions offered every day to connect young people in training in the climate engineering sector with recruiters.

• A wall of CVs to increase your visibility in your search for an internship, an alternance or a job !

• Trades and sectors conferences.

Interclima forum Awards ceremonies

The "Trophées de l'Ingénierie performante - CFP/ICO"

In partnership with the association of design offices and manufacturers ICO, the Chaud Froid Performance (CFP) magazine organizes the 6th edition of the Trophées de l'Ingénierie performante. This competition rewards a thermal design office or an installation company that has participated in the construction or renovation of a building, performing both in terms of construction and operation of equipment.

The "Trophées de

Organised by l’Installateur, the Trophées de l’Installateur celebrate the expertise of home comfort professionals – “plumbers and heating engineers” – who carry out their work with mastery and passion. This competition has only one ambition : to reward professionals in heating and bathroom that excel in their profession, through their beautiful projects or original initiatives.